


Instant Access!


Tracey Mallett


No prerequisites required for this training.


Zoom Live Conference Call - Details will be sent a week prior to the scheduled live-course.



Are you ready to take bootybarre to new heights! Now Online!

bootybarre BOUNCE is a High Intensity-Low Impact workout!

You will learn to incorporate the bootybarre method into a fun unique trampoline experience with our new bouncing cardio moves and our fusion barre exercises. A full body-work out designed to tone your body, increase circulation, balance, and endurance. bootybarre BOUNCE will be instructed on Jump Sport trampolines with a ballet barre attached to activate the lower body and core for stability.  A true fusion of Pilates, Dance, Yoga, and Cardio is now available on the trampoline.

This bootybarre Bounce® training will be held in an Exclusive Private Group Forum with pre-recorded sessions instructed by Tracey Mallett herself! You’ll learn to become certified in bootybarre BOUNCE™ by simply logging-in and participating from the comfort of your studio, home, or gym.

She will take you through the bootybarre Bounce® course fundamentals, movement and modifications, blocks, apparatus, and flow. When you register you will click & accept the terms of the contract to fully retrieve details to the online training after proceeding with the purchase.

After you complete your registration, you will receive an invoice in your INBOX (please check SPAM as your emails may get filtered by your provider). This invoice will contain a link in the DOWNLOAD section, click on that link which will directly download a PDF with further information for this training including exclusive access to our private forum & your downloadable PDF manual.  We will send you details for your lifetime bounce® choreography videos in a separate email (please wait 48 hours after purchase to retrieve login details).


    • A Comprehensive Photography bootybarre Bounce® PDF choreography manual
    • Lifetime Access to bootybarre Bounce® choreography videos after completion of the course.
    • Exclusive Private Group Forum Access for 60 days
    • Support and Mentoring by Tracey Mallett and the bootybarre team.


The following are needed for this course:

  • Trampoline with attached Barre

You may purchase your trampoline here:

bootybarre BOUNCE trampolines
Follow the link below to purchase
*Model 370 with ADD barre


This will be an online training course.  Feel free to learn at your own pace. You will have to fulfill the UNITS on the exclusive private forum page as a course requirement. The videos on the private forum can be watched as many times as you’d like within 60-days. Details to the private forum will be obtained in your information PDF packet on your receipt.

In regards to your lifetime choreography videos, bootybarre Bounce® will not be shown in your bootybarre account as you should have lifetime access to this program on our membership site, Upon purchase, you will receive an email with your login information.

If you do not see the email in your inbox, please search for an email with the following email address:

When registering please do the following:
    1. Provide your correct email address for the bootybarre Instructor PDF  Manual download & Private Forum instructions (information will be attached to your receipt)
    2. Also, an email address will be used for the bootybarre Bounce® Choreography Videos Login Details (information will be sent within 48 hours timeframe).
    3. A Facebook account is needed for the exclusive private forum.
When registering, please ensure you are using the correct email address to ensure you receive the course details and membership site access. 

We will email your login details to the Bootybarre membership site where you will have lifetime access to the full choreography videos. (If you do not have membership site access prior to attending a live course, we will email your login information afterwards.)

cancellation/transfer policies

I. There are NO refunds for IN-PERSON or ONLINE courses.
II. Registrant can transfer all monies paid to a future course within one year. Only one transfer is permitted.
III. If cancellation occurs within 48 hours of the scheduled course you are registered to, all monies paid will not be refunded or transferred to a future course.
IV. You can only transfer payment to another course one time. Upon your second request to cancel your attendance to a course, any and all monies paid will not be refunded or transferred to a future course.

*Please note: bootybarre and bbarreless may cancel any course due to circumstances beyond its control.

Email with questions.


Please READ the full conditions of service that you enter into by purchasing a course.

INSTRUCTORS REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND INDEMNIFICATION: INSTRUCTOR represents and warrants that he/she: has the full power, authority and ability to enter into this Agreement and perform all its terms; recognizes the high quality and standards BB/BBL has established and will at all times maintain those standards and do nothing to damage BB/BBL’s business reputation. INSTRUCTOR hereby indemnifies BB/BBL against all expenses, damages, liabilities and costs in INSTRUCTOR’s use of “The Marks”and the promotion and presenting of BB/BBL classes or the breach of its warranties and representations. INSTRUCTOR expressly assumes any and all liability for any expenses, damages, suits, liabilities or costs occurring during or resulting from his/her BB/BBL . classes.

USE OF BB/BBL MATERIALS: INSTRUCTOR agrees not to disclose the contents, reproduce or distribute copies of promotional and instructional materials.

PLEASE NOT THIS NON-COMPETE REQUIREMENT: INSTRUCTOR further agrees not to use BB/BBL materials, techniques, methods, product etc. (collectively “Intellectual Property”) to give any teacher training course(s) or alter in any material way the bootybarre or bbarreless fitness techniques, programs or classes. This prohibition on INSTRUCTOR’s use of any of BB/BBL’s Intellectual Property shall further expressly refer to any incorporation by INSTRUCTOR of such Intellectual Property in BB/BBL course or any barreless/barre fitness program for students or Instructor certification that is not an official course and for which fees are not paid to BB/BBL INSTRUCTOR will be subject to legal action if he/she continues to give barre type classes substantially copied from the BB/BBL exercise program when INSTRUCTOR is no longer certified.